hellothere11 • 35
hellothere11 • 35

Life is about stepping out of your comfort zone




  Los Angeles (CA), United States  [ show map ]

Some photos of me

I'm here to

I'm here to meet girls 18 to 35 years old for dating, friendship, serious relationship and networking.

About me

I would describe myself as a transparent, high-functioning introvert with a solid moral compass. ISFJ. With a calm and balanced demeanor, I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I feel harmonious with myself and my life, though it is still not complete without something...or shall I say, someone.

In life you realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some are there to test you.. some will use you...some will teach you...and some will bring out the best in you.
I underwent a career change that involves a lot of travel. On my leisure time I like to travel overseas, and also spend time with my family. I now more closely value my priorities and enjoy life through travel, culture and culinary adventures.
I'm searching for genuine friend which may lead to something more if we have chemistry. If not, then at least we have our friendship. I live to eat, and eat to live. I obviously love to travel, but also explore culture and of course eat! Let's go!

About you

If you're friendly, willing to listen and able to open up a conversation at any time, feel free to message me. Also, if you are into getting to know the person first rather than fast forwarding to being in a relationship. I am interested in a genuine friendship based on kindness, sincerity, honesty, loyalty and mutual respect. I want do everything for my girl and live life to the fullest. If we connect and progress into a relationship then great. If not, then a genuine friendship is great too. But it's my desire to take care of my wife and keep her happy. Happy wife, happy life. ^_^
Even the best of friends were once strangers; so say "hello", but please do not be offended if I do not reply. World Peace! lol
Best wishes and hope you find someone who changes your life, and not just your relationship status. ^_^

Personal info

Los Angeles (CA), United States
6'0" (182cm) and slim.
IT Consultant
Has children:
Wants children:
Non smoker
Light / social drinker
Relationship status:
Willing to relocate:
Masters Degree
Christian - Catholic