tjspjs • 33
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tjspjs • 33
Active now!

Just seeing what's out there. Looking for love.



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  Århus, Denmark  [ show map ]

Some photos of me

I'm here to

I'm here to meet girls of any age for dating, friendship, serious relationship, networking and more.

About me

I am really just a regular hard working guy with a big heart and alot of love to give. I am very determined and I always give 100% of myself in everything that i do, also especially relationships. I am forever loyal and will do everything in my power to make my partner feel loved and appreciated. They will always come first and be my most important priority. I have been single for a few years now, even though i have been looking for somebody to love i haven't been lucky enough to find anybody yet. Until that happens I am just working hard to secure my future.

Physically I'm a pretty big guy at 187 cm's tall and 90 kg's. I used to be about 100kg's when i was my biggest and strongest but have since then lost a little bit as my priorities changed. I'm a big coffee drinker but i do not either drink or smoke.

All in all my life is pretty good, i am not really in need of anything so I consider myself pretty blessed in that regard. But i do need somebody to share it with. Right now it seems all i do is work and come home to a empty apartment by myself. Which is allright, i can definitely survive that way and end up with a decent future but it does get pretty lonely at times so not completely ideal in the long run i feel like. It does feel like something is missing and i guess that's what I'm trying to find.

Ideally i would like to retire in a different country than my own when that time comes. I am thinking either Thailand or the Philippines as I've already visited both countries quite a few times and they seem like the perfect places to retire in their own different ways.

I have already traveled alot and seen much of the world, but i did fall in love with alot of Asia's culture and beauty from a young age. I am still not quite finished seeing the rest of the world either though, some of the destinations that i would like to experience in the future is Japan, The Caribbean, South America aswell as New Zealand. My next trip is planned to go to Island in march with my mom and littlebrother joining me.

Right now i am working as a delivery driver which is a pretty decent job that pays allright aswell. It's alot of hard physical work but that suits me pretty well too as i like being physically active.

I do mostly enjoy all the different aspects of my job, but my dream is starting my own business at some point aswell. I would like to extend what I'm doing now as a owner instead and exponentially increase my income and responsibilities. I have been in this job for a few years now and as with any job you start to know everything after a while which honestly for me can both be good and bad as obviously it makes it easy to do, but in turn it can also make for some pretty boring days at times.

On top of that i am also living below my means and saving/investing all that i can to secure the future will be in such a way that i won't have to worry about anything as that to me is the most important. Right now i am still young and can work as hard as i want, but the goal is to eventually have so much that i don't have to work and maybe retire early.

I have big hopes and dreams for the future and i am definitely on the right path to the life that i want in time but there is still a few things missing.

About you

All i really care about and want is somebody with a beautiful heart and a loving caring personality. It is 100% the inside that matters. If you are beautiful on the inside you will be beautiful on the outside to me aswell.

Personal info

Århus, Denmark
Does it matter?
6'2" (187cm) and muscular.
Has children:
Wants children:
Non smoker
Non drinker
Relationship status:
Willing to relocate:

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